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Tarpon Restoration From 1900

Original Fish year 1900


New Tarpon in 1900.jpg
1900 Tarpon for restoration.jpg
1900 Tarpon after Restoration.jpg

Captain Bones (Odessa, DE) Broken 10 Foot Mako

10 ft mako before 1.JPG
mako before 5.JPG
mako after 2.JPG

Sailfish Repairs and Repaint 

sailfish before 2.JPG
sallfish before 1.JPG
sailfish after.JPG

Bull Dolphin
Cracks throughout, peeling original skin.  Complete strip, repairs and repaint

IMG_1622 (3).jpg
43 dolphin repair repaint 1.JPG
43 dolphin repair repaint 2.JPG

Repair Broken Areas, Complete Strip and Repaint

lewis before.JPG
lewis before 2.JPG
lewis complete sail.JPG

Striped Marlin
Repair Broken Bill and Pectoral fin, Chips, Complete Strip and Repaint

RG marlin before.JPG
RG marlin after 1.JPG

White Marlin
Repair Broken Bill and Tail, Chips, Complete Strip and Repaint

broken wh marlin 1.JPG
broken wh marlin 2.JPG
wh marlin repair2.JPG

Repair Broken Fins, Chips, Complete Strip and Repaint

dolphin 1 broken williams.JPG
dolphin 2 broken williams_edited.jpg
restored dolphin williams.JPG

Repair Broken Areas, Complete Strip and Repaint

sailfish 2 broken.JPG
sailfish 1 broken.JPG
sailfish repair 2 winigrad.JPG

Northern Pike
Repair Broken fins, Detail head and fins butts, Complete Strip and Repaint

pike repaint before.JPG
pike repaint.JPG
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